Freedom Church Ministries
Our team invests in the lives of children ages first grade through 5th grade through worship, Biblical teaching, and games.
We offer various events, retreats, and camps for kids across the year, in addition to Sunday Morning (10:30 am) and Wednesday Evening (6:30 pm) Services!
Our team ministers to babies and toddlers through hands-on activities, simple foundational Bible lessons, crafts, and personal interactions. Available every Sunday morning in the Kid’s Center.
Our team invests in the lives of children ages 3 years through kindergarten through worship, Biblical teaching, and games. Available every Sunday morning in the Kid’s Center.
Our team invests in the next generation of youth through dynamic sermons, small groups, worship, games, and fellowship with other youth-aged students. We offer various events, retreats, and camps for kids across the year, in addition to Wednesday Evening Services (6:30 pm)!
Our Young Adults Ministry consists of all people aged 18-30 who are seeking to make new connections and for together in Christ!
Meets twice monthly, varying times/ locations
Our Outreach team serves as the hands and feet of Jesus in our community, by facilitating serve projects, community events, care for those and needs, and other campus outreach expressions.
This ministry is multifaceted, with various small groups meeting year-round, to grow together and foster deep, meaningful friendships.
Our men’s ministry is a close-knit group of men, growing in Christ together, and sharing each other’s burdens.
Offered through various groups that meet together monthly. You can find these Groups by clicking on "Freedom Groups"
Our women’s ministry consists of women who are passionate about encouraging each other, growing together, and doing life with one another.
Offered through various groups that meet together monthly. You can find these Groups by clicking on "Freedom Groups".
Our team ministers to our members during times of need by providing care, meals, prayer, and support. We provide care for new parents after childbirth, people who are hospitalized or sick at home, and during the death of a loved one.
Our team connects guests by offering coffee, tea, refreshments, and a warm welcome. Some members greet at the doors, others keep our coffee station clean and stocked, and others run our gift shop, welcome booth, and visitor center to help all feel welcome.
Our team facilitates a powerful worship experience through vocals and instruments. Their job is to not only sing songs but also lead our congregation in the worship of our King.
Our team assists in the production of an overall worship experience, using lighting, audio engineering, and visual elements. Their job is to assist in ushering in an atmosphere of worship and wonder for our King!
Our team serves as the first impression for those coming to Freedom Church by welcoming people on and off the property and by providing a safe and efficient parking experience. (Age 15+)
Our team provides prayer covering for services, teams, and ministries at Freedom Church. Some members minister in an intercessory capacity, others minister at the altar. All members of this team are passionate about lifting up the needs of the people at Freedom Church at any given time.
Our team aims to bring safety and basic medical attention to our guests in the event of an accident or emergency at Freedom Church.