Freedom Church Growth Path

The second step in our vision is “Grow People.” Our Growth Path is designed to help anyone in their journey of becoming the greatest disciple of Christ they can be.

We also use our growth path as the process for becoming a leader at Freedom Church- details below!

  • This is where it all starts! Plugged In is a 4-week class that takes place on Sundays after church, once per quarter, in which you will:

    1. Learn who Freedom Church is and what we believe.

    2. Discover your spiritual giftings.

    3. Find where you can get plugged in and serve.

    4. Get to know your Freedom Church Family!

    Plugged in will take place immediately following Sunday Morning Services:

    Dates for 2024:

    First Round: Jan 14, 21, 28, Feb 4

    Second Round: April 7, 14, 21, 28

    Third Round: July 7, 14, 21, 28

    Fourth Round: October 6, 13, 20, 27

    Anyone who completes “Plugged In” can serve and volunteer at Freedom Church!

  • This is where true discipleship begins. SOD 1 is an 8-week class that covers Character Development and takes place twice per year, in which you will:

    1. Learn what it TRULY means to be a Disciple of Christ.

    2. Grow deeper and more connected in your relationship with God.

    3. Take the foundational steps towards leadership and ministry.

    SOD 1 Takes place on Sunday evenings at 6pm

    First round: Jan 28- March 17

    Second Round: Sept 8-October 27th.

    Anyone who completes “SOD 1” is eligible to become a leader at Freedom Church!

  • This is where true discipleship merges with leadership. SOD 2 is an 8-week class that covers Leadership and Ministry Development and takes place twice per year, in which you will:

    1. Learn the basics of leading and forming a ministry.

    2. Take your role deeper, from a “member” to “a minister.”

    3. Continue in the journey of growth and leadership.

    SOD 2 will take place Sunday evenings at 6pm at Freedom Church.

    Dates for SOD 2: Sept 8-October 27

    Anyone who completes “SOD 2” is eligible to become a ministry leader at Freedom Church!

  • This is what Freedom Looks like. Free Indeed is an 8-week intensive course that covers Spiritual Warfare and takes place annually, in which you will:

    1. Discover the deep principles of spiritual warfare.

    2. Understand the Biblical process of deliverance, OR spiritual freedom.

    3. Walk through the journey of living in total spiritual freedom because of what happened at the Cross.

    Free Indeed will take place Sunday nights at 6pm at Freedom Church, every Summer.

    June 2-July 21.

    Free Indeed is for ANYONE seeking to live in victory and freedom as they walk out their discipleship!

Get Started on the Path

Interested in joining any step of our growth path? Fill out the form below and we will contact you with all the info you need!